Yakṣiṇī Magic Kindle Edition
by Mike Magee, Foreword by Phil Hine, illustrated by Jan Magee, Maria Strutz

Yakṣiṇī Magic is the first extensive treatment of Tantric texts dealing with practices that relate to the Yakṣiṇīs, an ancient class of female spirit beings often described as “fertility deities” and said to inhabit wild places, plants, and trees. Drawing on a wide range of tantric textual sources, many of which are presented here for the first time summarised in English, Mike Magee examines the various practices through which a tantric practitioner could propitiate these powerful, fierce and sometimes jealous female spirits. Yakṣiṇī Magic affords us a fascinating glimpse into this hitherto unexplored aspect of the tantric world.With a frontispiece by Jan Magee, internal artwork by Maria Strutz and a foreword by Phil Hine, Yakṣiṇī Magic includes an extensive appendix giving the Yakṣiṇī-related text of eleven tantric texts in Sanskrit and Romanized Devanagari.